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Holding Hands

Our commitment
to quality care

As a provider of home care services, Blue Star St Andrews is committed to delivering the highest quality person-centred care with dignity and respect.


We are visited and assessed by the Care Inspectorate  – the independent regulator that ensures care providers in Scotland deliver safe, effective and high-quality services. We are proud that Blue Star has met Care Inspectorate standards and we continue to strive to be an outstanding provider.


We have a well-established and experienced management team.

Our training programme is comprehensive and mandatory for all

carers. Important knowledge and skills such as moving and handling

and safeguarding adults must be updated every year. 


We also produce a Duty of Candour Report each year.  This is a legal requirement to ensure that if something goes wrong within health or social care services the people affected are offered an explanation, an apology and an assurance that staff will learn from the error.  A copy of our 2022/23 report can be accessed by clicking on the link below -



Critically, at Blue Star the care conversation is always two-way. We have an excellent track record of working in partnership with our service users, their families and representatives as well as building effecting working relationships with others involved in your care and well-being.


From the very beginning of your Blue Star relationship, we welcome your comments and ideas, and will continue to grow our service around your feedback. Our door is always open.



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